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Door Contact with Shock and Vibration Sensor


DCSV-23ZBS is a ZigBee door / window contact with built-in shock / vibration sensor that combines two functions in one unit to bolster perimeter protection.

Mounted on door or window frames, DCSV-23ZBS monitors the opening and closure of doors or windows and detects the impact caused by a single major shock event or consecutive minor shock event attacks.

The early detection provided by DCSV-23ZBS effectively discovers and deters a break-in attempt before a door or window is opened, thereby minimizing damage caused by burglary or attack.

With three levels of adjustable sensitivity, each installation can be fine-tuned to ensure reliable coverage without false alarms. DCSV-23ZBS also has a tamper switch for sabotage detection.

Its elegant and modern design allows it to fit seamlessly into any home decor, ideal for both residential and commerical installation and usage.


  • Detects major shock attack or consecutive minor vibration attack

  • Monitors opening / closure of door and window

  • Three adjustable sensitivity threshold levels (high, medium and low)

  • Tamper switches for sabotage detection

  • Works on glass, plywood and safety box

  • Wireless for easy installation

  • Compatible with other manufacturers’ ZigBee systems

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